2015-12-31  : : 
| | МУЗЫКА | | ВИДЕО | | ФОТО | |
2015-11-20  : : 
2015-11-14  : : 
2015-11-14  : : 





Due to a variety of creative aspirations and musical interests,
the group"s genre and style spectrum is rather wide:
from folk songs and classical music to rock music and jazz-punk music.
1.Folk music:
Melodies of the Irish folk songs, as well as Balkan countries" folklore interpreted by the Ukrainian musicians. It is an active, energy and fiery instrumental music, interesting both for raising the general vitality and from the viewpoint of ethno-cultural aspect.
2. Ancient and classical music:
Butiful works of ancient Italian composers, as well as those by J.S.Bach, Y.Haydn and W.A.Mozart, will create an elated and festive mood. An exquisite music performed by a classical trio (flute, violin and guitar) will be a decoration for any undertaking.
3.The projects:
of our singers Maria Khmeliova, Danylo Denisov and Orest Krysa are also interesting. They are so diversified as to their material, that we will not take to describing them. We strongly recommend to listen to them.
4. Jack Frost’s creative activity borders on the epatage level, so furious and inspiring it is. His performance is recommended to everyone wishing to tickle one’s nerves.
5. A special song program for the Ukrainian audience will be undoubtedly interesting for many people. Positive music, which is devoid of any aggression, will win minds and hearts of the audience.


"V-Band YO’GHURT" today is

- Maria Hmelyova (flute,voice), Daniel DeNisov (V-accordeon), Cyrill Borodin (violin,bass guitar), Orest Krysa (acoustic guitar), Serhey Yakson (V-drums) and Jack Frost (electric guitar, pecussion, voice). The group of musicians has started to develop in 2000 though the present name has received only in 2001. During the years of the existence the ensemble was considerably extended, has transformed from a folk trio into large collective well-known in Ukraine, Russia, and the countries of Europe and America also. All this time group members lives in an creative, performing, and studio recording activities. From 2005 group exists in a new format under the name “YoGhurt Music Family" where musicians plays compositions not only from the main program, but from their "side-projects" also. As our experience shows, during group performances some of "projects" works supplementing the general program and bring it something especial and fresh.





Widening the cultural horizons of the audience,
enrichment of the aesthetic worldview of the people
by new and positive music forms form the moving force
for the musicians of the group, as well as for their performance and creative practice.
Having realized an in-depth commonness of different peoples" music roots,
“Ghurt Yo’Ghurt" presents the best samples of Celtic,
as well as Balkan folk music to the Ukrainian audience.
Ancient and classical music favors aesthetic development of the audience.

Kirill Borodin

Kirill Borodin

Was born in Kiev. Has started to play violin six years old at the Kiev Special Musical School in the name of N.V.Lysenko. Then has ended National Musical Academy of Ukrain

Took part in various musical ensembles, chamber and symphonic orchestras with which actively went on tour (Poland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands).

In 2000 together with Daniel Denisov and Evdokim Reshet'ko bases the first on territory of the CIS professional etnic-jazz ensemble which plays music on the basis of the Celtic tradition. Under his management small trio grows into the big collective which debuts in 2001(in Alexey Kogans "Jazz evenings" program) with new name - "Ghurt YOghurt".

Dany DeNizzo

Dany DeNizzo

Was born in Arkhangelsk. In 1989 has ended the Sumy musical school. After the termination became the winner of competition accordeon players in Kharkov. In 1992-1995 was engaged in ancient music performing - as the clavecinist and the guitarist took part in ensembles "Artes liberalis", "Green Sleeves", "Kashalot". In 1996 Has finished National Musical Academy on an accordion class.

Takes part in theatre "The Studio 16" shows. The participant of ensemble of the Ukrainian folk music "Teren Tsvit". The honourable participant of ensemble "Green sleeves" (St.-Petersburg). As the sessional musician is invited for recording of various instruments in many known projects at leading sound recording studios. The author of many compositions of different genres.

Plays in "Ghurt YOghurt" from the begining of project.(2000)

Evdokim Reshetko

Evdokim Reshetko



Музыкант-мультиинструменталист, композитор, аранжировщик.

Окончил киевскую консерваторию, как гобоист, но на сцене чаще появляется с другими инструментами.

Играет практически на всех инструментах, музыку пишет с детства. Пишет стихи, рисует.

Создатель рок-группы The Coyotes, проектов "Жовта пiдвода", Mr.Fiddle, один из основателей группы "Гурт Йо Гурт".  Участвует в музыкальном проекте Сони Сотник.  Играет в коллективах НеДiля, Росава,Er.J.Orchestra.  Принимал участие в проектах Астарта, Ревенко мюзик, Сестри Тельнюк, Rosemary. Сотрудничал с Гайтаной, Ириной Сказиной, Светланой Лободой, Олегом Павлишиным, Андреем Кише. Писал музыку к телесериалам и компьютерным играм.

В свободное время Евдоким реставрирует, ремонтирует и изготавливает музыкальные инструменты.

Для себя Ким сделал и использует на концертах и в студийной работе  Lap Steel и Pedal Steel Guitar.

Maria Hmeleva

Maria Hmeleva (CоМаhа)

Has ended the Kiev Special Musical school of N.V.Lysenko (on a flute class - at teacher V.K.Turbovskogo) and national Musical Academy of P.I.Tchaikovsky (a class of the teacher of the O.S. Kudryashov). The winner of the international competition of chamber ensembles (Vorzel 1999г.) . Since 1996 actively gives concerts as the soloist when executes "the Chamber symphony №3 for a flute and a chamber orchestra" E.Stankovich (a premiere in Berlin). Plays suite h-moll I.S.Bach with success on a scene of the National Philharmony accompanied by an orchestra "Kollegium Musicum".

In 2002 goes on tour as the soloist with the State Chamber orchestra of Azerbaijan. In 2005 under the guidance of the conductor and the composer (USA) takes part in record of its author's disk and executes "the Sonata for a flute and to f th" in transposition for a flute with an orchestra (the world premiere). Co-operates with an orchestra of National radio and the National symphonic orchestra of Ukraine. Is engaged in pedagogical activity.

Has her own music project "CoMaha". Plays with "Ghurt YOghurt" from 2000.

Sergey Yakson

Sergey Yakson

At present time - the constant participant of collective. Plays the drums.

Was born in Konotop on July, 12th, 1970. Musical school has finished on an accordion class. The hobby for drums has passed from the big brother who played amateur V.I.A. (Vocal-instrumental ensemble). In 1989 has finished musical school in Sumy on a class of percussion instruments where have begun creative experiments together with Daniel Denisov, as a part of group "Not the Eggplant".

1989-91 worked in ensemble of a song and dancing of the Kiev Military District. 1991-93 worked in an orchestra of the Sumys musical-drama Theatre named on Schepkin. Since 1993 works with Taras Petrynenko as a part of group "Hrono". For this period took part in many studio and concert projects with stars of the Ukrainian music. Since 2006 participates in group "Tathagata". He starts to play with "Ghurt YOghurt" from the beginning of 2007.

Orest Krysa

Orest Krysa

Was born on November, 14th, 1977 in the city of Kiev. Studied to play violin in the Kiev Special Musical school of N.V.Lysenko in a classes of teachers Panov, Kuznetsov, and later - plays on viola in class of teacher Gavrilets. In 1996 has arrived in National Musical Academy of Ukrain in a class of professor Loburenko, later - Denesiuck.

After termination of Academy - work in National Symphonic orchestra, chamber ensemble. Has his own music project "Tathagata". He plays in the "Ghurt YoGhurt" from 2003.